Pure Gold. Mr Wierd to promote iMacs October, 1998 Jeff Goldblum has been appearing in two new thirty-second television commercials talking about "beige" computers and consumers' fears of being left out of the email and internet revolution. The new ads are part of Apple's ongoing iMac and "Think different" campaign. "We asked ourselves who best captures the imagination and intelligence of iMac, yet can understand the fears and concerns that many consumers have about computers and the internet," said Apple's interim CEO Steve Jobs. "Jeff Goldblum was our number one choice, and we are proud and thrilled to be working with him." Goldblum was the voiceover on the first set of iMac ads which launched August 16, and will now be seen on camera in this series. The new commercials will run on network and spot television during the month of October and will also air worldwide. Apple sued for ditching the Newton. Not over yet! http://www.maccentral.com/news/9810/22.newt.html Harris Corporation has sued Apple in Santa Clara County Superior Court for abandoning its Newton line of hand-held computers, according to a story in the San Jose Mercury News... Pre-Flight. Find me if you can! Time Digital is just one of numerous publications that thinks Sherlock, Apple's new search feature fromOS 8.5 shines. Time labels Sherlock "a smart new way of searching the Internet without opening up a web page." http://cgi.pathfinder.com/time/digital/daily/0,2822,15270,00.html Read more about Sherlock: http://www.apple.com/sherlock/ And about Mac OS 8.5: http://www.apple.com/macos/upgrade/   iMacs in Store. UBS galore You can now order an iMac directly from the Apple Store http://www.store.apple.com/ In fact, not only will you find iMac's at the store, you'll also find three great peripheral products for your iMac: Go www for more information about these products: Imation SuperDisk: http://www.superdisk.com/ HP DeskJet 695c: http://www.hp.com/cgi-bin/peripherals/pandi.pl iPrint Adapter LT: http://www.farallon.com/products/ether/adapters/iprintadapter.html   Back in the driving seat. Best Year Since 1995 Apple has enjoyed a great final quarter and an equally impressive fiscal year since '95, boosted by the sales of the iMac. "It's a great finish of a great year," is just the right words from Steve Jobs. "Looking forward, we hope to sell a lot of copies of Mac OS 8.5 and ship a lot of iMacs this holiday season with our partners CompUSA and Best Buy." Apple announced earnings of $106 million, with revenues of $1.6 billion. Unit shipments in the quarter increased 28 percent year-over-year, and ending inventory dropped to $78 million, or six days of inventory. Apple has shipped over 278,000 iMacs in the product's first six weeks, making iMac the fastest selling Macintosh ever. Over 40 percent of iMac buyers are new customers for Apple, according to a survey of almost 2,000 iMac buyers conducted by Audits & Surveys. The findings show that 29.4 percent of iMac buyers are first-time computer buyers who own neither a Wintel PC nor a Macintosh computer, and an additional 12.5 percent of iMac buyers are "converts" who own Wintel PCs. The remaining 58.1 percent of iMac buyers own a Macintosh computer. Steve Jobs has proclaimed it the "Year of Thinking Different", was he right? Check out the links and find out what everybody else thinks. http://www.apple.com/hotnews/features/jobsthinkingdifferent.html "iMac Drives Apple's Profits" (Tech Investor): http://www.techweb.com/investor/story/INV19981014S0006 "iMac Sales Push Apple To Profit" (Washington Post): www.washingtonpost.com/wp-srv/WPlate/1998-10/15/170l-101598-idx.html "Apple posts $309M profit for year" (Computerworld): http://www.computerworld.com/home/news.nsf/all/9810154apple "Apple Reports Profitable Quarter, Yearly Results" (Newsbytes): http://www.newsbytes.com/pubNews/119704.html   Apple, Macintosh and QuickTime are registered trademarks of Apple Computer, Inc. Additional company and product names may be trademarks or registered trademarks of the individual companies and are respectfully acknowledged, by 1984 OnLine Magazine. Information here is taken from the Apple Press Releases, eNews, Information Alley, Apple Developer News and the Apple User Group Leader Bulletins, and from news hounds everywhere ( you know who you are ). Compiled: By Darren Edwards